SIRE PDF’s that have been sent by the OCIMF Members for collection of owners comments can be imported into 3D. This import works only with original PDF’s from Oil Majors, but not with scanned or faxed documents. To start the import, select File>Import>SIRE PDF Import.

The database will analyze the PDF file. If the file has the right format, a new window will be displayed that asks you to enter a couple of fields:
The name of the oil major as listed in your 3D Oil major table
The inspector name. If not yet in the table pls enter directly in the format lastname, surname.
The ship type is proposed automatically. Normally no need to change.
The inspection status should be In Process in this case.

Click on Insert as new inpection and the import will start. After successfull import you will get a message indicationg what has been imported. Click on Close. The inspection record will now be displayed in your list of SIRE inspections and can be processed further.

Import all Observations or only Deficiencies

Before importing a SIRE inspection you can select whether you want to import only the NO -answers (deficiencies) or all Answers with observations (also the once answered with YES, NA, NS). Click the respective button in the lower left corner of the import window. Import all observation is the default selection.